Name :P MURALI KRISHNA DURING ICU DUTY CPR for 48 year old male Assisted in Intubation Monitored vitals of the patient. Took ABG samples Inserted Foleys catherter DURING NEPHROLOGY Assisted in central line under the guidance of DR. Bharath Monitored vitals of patients during dialysis DURING WARD DUTY Collected venous samples for routine investigations Updated soap notes DURING UNIT DUTY CASE 1 My orientation around this case: 1 Thrombocytopenia in dengue * Different mechanisms have been hypothesized to explain DENV-associated thrombocytopenia * suppression of bone marrow and the peripheral destruction of platelets. Studies have shown DENV-infected hematopoietic progenitors or bone marrow stromal cells. Moreover, anti-platelet antibodies would be involved in peripheral platelet destruction as platelets interact with endothelial cells, immune cells,...